Benefits of Laser Dentistry at Smylife Dental
Severe gum disease, known as Periodontitis, occurs when gum health is neglected for a long time and the gums develop deep pockets between the tissue and bone, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. A visit to your nearby Dentist In Bangalore will help the cause immensely for a Good Oral Health.
The deep pockets are not easily cleansable. Without manually removing the infection, it can actually spread throughout your jaw, eventually making all the teeth loose.
Normally, the periodontist or any dentist in bangalore will do a thorough examination of your gum health using a probe to measure the pockets ,will take necessary X rays to access the severity of the infection. Based on the above examination some patients might be recommended, gum surgery to remove the infection and treat Periodontitis.
Unfortunately, it normally involves a fairly invasive procedure.
In such a case you can opt for LASER disinfection of the pockets.
It has the following advantages over the traditional procedure:
1. No cutting – laser doesn’t cut into your gums like surgery, which bypasses the need for sutures.
2. Less discomfort – The procedure is non-invasive it only requires local anaesthesia for numbing the region.
3. Shorter procedure – LASER reduces the time required for complete disinfection.
4. Better results – It is able to reach till the depth of the pockets.
5. Few diet restrictions – Patients feel healthy enough to eat anything immediately after the procedure as there are only a few food restrictions.
6. Short recovery time – Recovery from gum surgery can take between 2-4 weeks, and often includes considerable swelling and pain. Recovery time is less than 24 hours in case of LASER. Patients can even return to work immediately following the procedure.
7. Safe for all patients – LASER is safe for all patients, including those with health concerns such as diabetes, HIV, hemophilia, or those taking medications such as aspirin.
For an appointment with our Periodontist please do visit or call us at +91 72595 78600